Sunday, May 18, 2008

Kiwi Listening
Last week I went Kiwi listening up the Avalanche creek track. Here is a picture of my position complete with sleeping bag and assorted kit such as a GPS, compass, eperb,pen and paper and warm clothes. I was listening into the Rough creek catchment. At about 8pm I packed up and was heading down the track when I came face to beak with a Great Spotted Kiwi, only a few hundred metres away from where I'd been listening all night! It was an amazing experience seeing one in the wild. It was an adult bird and seemed in very good health. After we had our moment it slowly meandered into the bush.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Greta Valley School 6-9 May 2008

Last week we hosted the folks from Greta Valley School. I must say I was impressed by these guys. Their teacher Sarah Williams had gone to a lot of trouble to ensure they were well prepared for their camp, and their parents, as usual, were great fun to work with. Thanks a bunch to all of you. I'll let the photos speak for themselves!!! Thanks to Wattie Marr who supplied the photos. Noel.

Also a big thanks to Jen Rodgers for helping out for the week. All the best at teacher's College!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Hello and welcome to The Arthur's Pass Outdoor Education Blog Spot.

We hope you find this site useful as an informal update to what is happening at the Lodge, or prehaps to find out a little of what goes on here before you come! Please see our website for formal information regarding the lodge at
Pictured is a Great Spotted Kiwi/ Roroa (held by Finn).
At the lodge we have a male Kiwi living in the bush out the back. Kiwi can often be heard at night in the village, but they are almost never seen, as they are nocturnal and very elusive!
Here Finn is holding a stoat (pictured eating a Kakareke). Stoats love to eat our native birds, as well as birds' eggs. In Arthur's Pass Village a number of local volunteers trap stoats, so that Kiwi and other important and rare native birds have a safe place to live.

This is what the stoat traps look like. On top is a squashed stoat. That's one less predator for our local Kiwi!